Runner,Runner | Ben Affleck & Justin Timberlake

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Richie Furst is a Princeton University student who is cheated out of his tuition money by playing online poker. When he learns that the site is hosted from a remote island location, he goes to confront the site's corrupt owner, Ivan Block, but is lured into becoming Ivan's protégé and right-hand man. Their relationship starts to reach a boiling point all while an FBI agent, Shavers, tries to use Richie to bring Ivan down.

Richie, in collaboration with the FBI's Agent Shavers, tricks Block into thinking he has escaped to Antigua, while in fact he's on Puerto Rico, part of The US. He was subsequently arrested. During the arrest Richie and Rebecca board the private jet they arrived on, managing to leave the island. Shavers is then handed a USB stick, holding incriminating evidence against Block, hence making Furst a free man.
